Sunday, February 7, 2010

The High Road: Trampas

The so-called High Road from Taos to Santa Fe is a pleasant drive through varied terrain and mountains that brings you through numerous small towns. This route is described in every tourist brochure so a full layout of the route isn’t provided here. Check:
Trampas is a farming area with many interesting side roads, but the main attraction here is the Trampas Church and the small plaza in front of it. Two towers topped with metal crosses are joined by a porch and a portico with a very old door. It’s an almost fort-like structure that houses some of the most interesting devotional art in the area. The interior ceiling is carved in intricate patterns that are filled with symbolism and mysterious figures and forms. Unfortunately the church is rarely open except for weddings, funerals and services for the community, a time when respect is more important than pictures, so do not intrude on these events. If you are lucky enough to come by when the church is open (such as during the High Road Art Tour ( do stop in and you will be rewarded, and don’t forget to leave a few bucks in the donations and offerings basket on the way out.
Photo Copyright George Schaub. interior Trampas Church

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